Fun words and stuff
Fun stuff >How much excrement?-Jeremy Clarkson >We're not happy until you're not happy >My dogs are barkin' >Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth-Mike Tyson >If it was up your butt, you would know where it is >None of us is as dumb as all of us >Feast your eyes >Bumpus hounds >Rocket doctor >Cheese budge-Paisley >Double O negative >Flushy push malloweens-Home Star Runner >Haymakers >Loud boots-Phil Robertson >Pistol whip >Ragged hole >Butt rocket >Snorkel face >Chudnovsky >Water joker-Si Robertson >Soda jerk >Horse giblets-Strongbad >Bingo wings >Waxford >Snot rocket >Fiddlehead >Smoke wagon